Monday, July 30, 2007
Cross Training Day
It's 6:45 here and 81 degrees. It just stopped raining, so I have to decide if I want to run some more. So, do you think I'll run?
40 minute racquetball
1.25 mile indoor run.
20 consecutive days of exercise.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Baseball, Cricket & Running
In the park their were some men playing cricket. I don't know anything about cricket, but it was interesting to watch. Might be fun to play sometime.
Run: 2.09 miles
Time: 27:23
Pace: 13.07
Consecutive Days: 19
It's Hall of Fame Day in Major League Baseball. To all those Tony Gwynn and Cal Ripken, Jr fans, congratulations. Baseball doesn't have enough men like these two.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Only in Arizona
I ran past restaurant row and boy did that smell good. Arbuelo's Mexican Kitchen, Olive Garden, Red Robin, Baja Fresh, The Elephant Bar, Pampadoro's, PF Chang's and a few other restaurants. I didn't run past the meanest dog in the land. After I was done, I got on Google Earth to map my loop and find out my distance. GE updated the photo of our area and it is awesome. Our home is the one to the left of the pin with the pool and the Honda Pilot in the driveway. It's an amazing photo. You can even see the pool vacuum hose in our neighbors pool.
We Are The Champions!

Thursday, July 26, 2007
Calculators for Runners

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
A Run, A Dog, A Scare (15 Days)
Got to run in a new commercial development at the end of our street. On the map it looks like a leveled field (actually desert), but now it has a 5 story building and several smaller single stories. There's a Mowi Wowi that is having it's grand opening this weekend and a Firehouse Subs opening soon. Can't wait to see what else.
Then I moved on thru the various subdivision and encountered the dog. I didn't hear it. It didn't bark. I was just crossing over the street when I heard a lady yell, "sorry, sorry" or something to that effect. I thought I was about to be hit by a car, but then I saw the dog. Big nasty teeth and it looked pretty fierce. I thought it was a pit bull at first, but now that I think about it I think it was something else. It had a buddy too, but that dog wasn't aggressive. As the dog got to my feet, I turned to him, gave him my meanest look and yelled, "STOP, STOP" , as loud as I could. I could have grabbed him at this point, but he saw I wasn't going anywhere. I was prepared to grab him and drop him with a knee to the gut or a foot to the chest. Luckily, the owner was right on his tail and apprehended the dog before anything happened. I'm sure contact would not have been a good thing for anyone. As she was dragging her dog out of the middle of the street, she kept apologizing. I gave her the mean runner look I gave the dog and started running again. My garmin shows that my HR was elevated at this point.
School starts in a couple of weeks and kids will be in the streets then. Hopefully, this dog won't be. I know it's just being itself, but it seems there's a lot of mean dogs around. I counted three this morning.
I ended my run with stretches in the driveway and a bowl of cold watermelon as I write this post. I hope you all have a great day and a better run. Maybe I'll get to South Mountain tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
at the gym
Then I went to the pool. I made sure it wasn't busy. Didn't need to embarrass myself. I borrowed my daughters goggles and swam freestyle. I did have trouble getting air and continuing. So, I would swim, walk, repeat. Just a little over 11 minutes and that was it. Not because I was tired, I just needed to get going.
Quote of the Day: "The first step to getting somewhere, is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are." - John Pierpont Morgan.
14 consecutive days
Blogging Friends: I have many blogs I love to read. Sometimes they are new to running and they blog for a while and then it stops. But, some have blogged for years and when they stop I get worried. So, if you ever take a break from blogging let us know on your blog. Irene, did so when she needed a break and others have as well. If, you've taken a break let us know 'cause I get a little worried. I've told my wife that if anything should happen to me, she's in charge of the blog - at least the final entry.
Monday, July 23, 2007
The Natural
Trivia Question: Roy Hobbs hit the game winner with a bat named?
Since I watched a movie, I taped the end of the Brewers v. Reds game. Watched most of the end while riding the bike. 40 minutes, 9 miles and the game still didn't end. But, my tape did. I had to turn on ESPN to find out that the Reds won in the bottom of the 12th. Sorry, Mike and J-wim. The good news for the Brewers is that Braun kid. He's amazing.
Finally, another use for the Garmin. My son is learning to drive so I had the garmin on and it recorded his speed and where he went. I was with him today, but maybe this could be a tool for later.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Maps, Graphs and Running
12 Consecutive Days
Saturday, July 21, 2007
ARR Race # 4
The fourth race of the summer series is in the books. I woke up to a nice rain. It was cool and a perfect morning for a run. So perfect that it is now 8:30 and I feel like running some more.
The race was at Kiwanis Park in Tempe. A park I have raced in 2 other times. But, the ARR course is a bit different. Less hills and partially on the canal. These ARR races always draw a crowd and this morning was no exception. Right before the start of the race I found Lisa (Javamom) at the start line and we waited for the race to begin. I told her that I would run with her and help her keep a PR pace. We wanted to shoot for 11 minute miles and at the two mile marker we were at 22:30. The hill from the lake to the canal slowed us down a bit, but we made up for it by doing the last 1/10 of a mile at a 9:47 pace. We did the entire race at an 11:31 pace and Lisa got her PR. I was very happy with the race, talking the entire race (which probably drove Lisa batty) and working up a good sweat. It must have been more humid than normal, because I was drenched at the end. And it wasn't the rain, since that stopped when I pulled into the park.
While in line for bagels and watermelon, Lisa found Phil. We all got to chat for a long while and Phil introduced us to Chad (non blogger) and another gentleman (I forget the name, sorry).
Official Time: 35:44. Race #4
Official Time: 35:36. Race #2
Official Time: 38:05 Race #1
Hopefully, I'm getting adjusted to the heat and my times will improve. I'm hoping to set a PR in the final summer race at South Mountain in 3 weeks. In order to do that I'll need to go below 31:06.
Here's the stats from Garmin.
11 Consecutive Days
Friday, July 20, 2007
One Mile Run
Thursday, July 19, 2007
The UPS man came today
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
The Monsoon?

Sometimes we get a haboob, like that pictured here. Strong winds whip in from the desert picking up anything that's loose - mostly sand and dumping it in our pools, patios and cars.
This morning I got in 4 miles but it took me 60 minutes. I did some walking and I guess it was longer than normal. I worked up a good sweat and burned some calories, so I'll take it. I hope the humidity is low for my next race this Saturday.
Quote of the Day: "The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind." -William James.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Does he have an advantage?
If he's not allowed to run against able bodied 400 meter runners, then the fastest runners in the world will never know if they're faster than Oscar. If I was an elite, I'd want to know.
Read Oscar Pistorius' story.
Today was a rest day. I did 30 minutes on the stationary bike and watched the tape of the Hy-Vee Triathlon from Des Moines, Iowa.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
13 Hours later
I decided that I wanted to run a mile as fast as I could. I headed over to the junior high track. Jogged a warm up lap and then ran a half mile in 4:30 (9 minute pace). The sun however caught up to me and I then did the last two laps in 6 minutes (12 minute pace). A 10:30 mile. My PB for the mile is 9:30 in cooler times.
Headed home, turned on the Reds v. Mets game and hit the stationary bike for 1 hour and 2 minutes. Doesn't look good for the Reds today. I did a little channel surfing and watched the Hy-vee Triatholon in Des Moines, Iowa. I taped it, so I'll watch it all later. Never thought I'd have a tought time deciding on whether to watch baseball or an endurance sport, but I guess that's how my life has changed over the past year.
Picking up the family at the airport tonight. I liked the first few days of peace and solitude, but I do miss my wife and kids. I have to go to the grocery store this afternoon, so they'll have something to eat.
Quote of the Day: "If you do what you always done, you'll get what you've always gotten." - Anthony Robbins.
My next 5k is on the 21st of July. It's the 4th race of the summer series for the Arizona Road Racers. ARR's race is at Kiwanis Park, a park I have raced in two other times. However, they added the canal as part of thier course and eliminated several hills near the lake.
Here's a view of the route we will take. If you can't see, click on
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Splish Splash

I got another pool run in after my road work. 45 minutes of running in place. I got my HR up to 103 average and a high of 115. This was after a 1.72 mile run in 102 degree weather. I ran 1.5 miles straight (which is longer than I have done this summer)and then after walking the next .22 miles realized I was done. I was a bit dizzy and when that happens I call it a nite. Tired legs and exhaustion I can take a walk break, but I don't like dizzy.
I read that a pool run is like running with half your weight. If that's what it feels like to run at 115 pounds, I want to lose more. I like pool running. Now I have to set up a TV and VCR on my back porch so I can watch baseball while I run. That's heaven.
Rubber Band Ball: I started to making a ball out of rubber bands. Each day I run, I add one rubber band to the ball. I have 3-4 bands and it doesn't look much like a ball yet, but some day I expect it to be huge. I'm calling it the Arizona Republic Rubber Band Ball, since they provide me with one rubber band every morning with my newspaper.
Garmin 305 and Softball
Someone said that they are clearing them out because of a new model, but I haven't seen anything in print about it.
Softball: Last nite we lost our first game in the summer softball tournament. We were short several of our good players and we still kept it close. We lost 9-8. I didn't hit well, but did fine pitching and made several plays in the field. Softball will start again in September and we plan of fielding a coed team and a men's doubleheader team. If you live in the Phoenix area and would like to play, let me know.

Thursday, July 12, 2007
The Athlete's Way

One thing I like about the book is it is full of quotes from various people. Here's a couple I like:
Monday, July 09, 2007
Back Home In Arizona
I finished the day with a 2.43 mile run in 102 degree weather. Luckily, there was a slight breeze. I, also, got 24 minutes of running in the pool with an average heart rate of 105, peaking at 119.
Javamom chronicled her day on her blog. I thought it was interesting, so I did too. My first day back from vacation started at the computer like most days. Phone calls and paperwork. And yes, my day was as hectic as my desk is messy. It will get better the rest of the week. Notice my Runner's World Calendar is still on June.

I had to meet with a client and give her the keys to her new home. It was on the west side, about a 60 mile round trip. I got over there early. I went over to the Peoria Sports Complex to kill a little time, hoping that there would be a Rookie level minor league game going on. The only games going on was a high school tournament. They wanted $7 to watch the game. I took a couple pictures and watched a few pitches and then left. I wasn't going to pay to watch HS baseball. Sorry.

Then it was back to the east side. Past the new domed football stadium.

Past downtown and the diamondbacks stadium.

All the way home.

For more paperwork and phone calls. The good news, I got an offer on one of our townhomes for sale. If this offer would have come yesterday, I would have had to pay $1350 to another Realtor to handle the offer. And as you can see, I need the money to do a little work on my home.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
This next one is the Happy Hollow route I did in Indiana. It had a change of 222 feet. With over a mile of uphill straight.
And my wish list is:
- Garmin 305 GPS system
- water bottle/ fanny pack
- Coolmax hat
Saturday, July 07, 2007
My Sister's Blog
Winton Woods Run

Thursday, July 05, 2007
Another Indiana Run
Raegan started running about 2 years ago. She's younger than me, way skinnier than me and faster than me. She was nice, running at my pace and letting me take walk breaks. We got the run in at 41:56, an 11:47 pace. I was very happy with the results. Thanks Raegan.
It's around 115 fahrenhiet back in Phoenix, so this is great to getting workouts done here in the midwest. Today, we arrived in Cincinnati. It's raining. I might get a run in on the treadmill tonight and then tomorrow after golf, I'll get a longer run in.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Happy Hollow Park

It's a mixture of dirt, chip bark and asphalt trails. The picture above is a short segment of dirt trail. It took me 10 minutes more (54 minutes and some seconds) to do this four miles. First, my wife said the trail head was at the top of the hill behind the elementary school. I spend some time looking for the trail head there. Finally, I asked another runner and he directed me to another entrance. The elevation change was 222 feet. It went from 550 feet to 700 feet in about a mile.

As you can see, it had lots of shade. Very different than running in Arizona. The asphalt trail was very wide and in great condition.

Summer Scamper in West Lafayette, IN