The weather is cool here in Indiana. I've gotten two runs in so far. A four miler in the countryside around the block at my father in laws home. Now, normally my hill work consists of the speed bumps in my neighborhood. Harry, told me to just go north and around the block. I ran a mile north, then headed east to find a really big downhill. I knew that if I went down it, I'd have to come back up eventually. You can see on the graph it was about 120 feet down in less than a quarter mile. Really pretty. I'll have pictures when I get back to AZ. It turned out to be some of the prettiest running scenery I've ever done. But, the uphill was on a busy street with no real place to run. 35 cars passed me and I had to go up 120 feet in about 3/4 of a mile. I wish I would have turned around and just did a little more running in the not so busy streets.
My brother in law Doug did pass me and was nice enough to go into the on coming traffic lane. I guess he knows he's not in my will.

My second run was on Tuesday morning. Today.
We're now at my mother in laws house in West Lafayette, just a short jog from the Purdue U. campus. There's a wonderful trail called
the cattail that goes from Purdue north past the
Celery Bog (I call it the Celery Blog) and up to Hadley Lake. Again, a beautiful place to run. Lots of asphalt, very little street running and you get to run past lakes, golf courses and corn fields. The corn is feed corn and is dried out about now. It makes an errie sound as it rustles in the wind. I thought there was running water down a mountain stream at times.
This time I had to climb uphill to start the run. It was my long run, so my plan was to run out 5 miles and then turn around. But, I was so close to Hadley Lake, I ended up running out 5.5 miles to see it.
On my return trip I was having some chaffing issues with my nips (that sounds masculine). I had one piece of sticky stuff I use for foot issues. I tore it in half and was about to place it on my chest in the appropriate place when I looked up to see this elderly lady walking in the opposite direction with a "I know what you're doing" grin on her face. I waited til she passed before I tape myself up.
I took some great pictures with my cell phone, but I'm not sure if they'll be any good, since it was overcast. It rained all afternoon and into the evening.

On the diet front, I'm doing horrible. Home cooking here in Indiana is incredible and we've had lots of desserts. And dinner is almost ready tonight. Unfortunately, Ohio cooking will be outstanding too. Lots just cross our fingers and hope that I don't gain too much.
So for the record, four days of vacation and 15 miles run.