Thursday, November 27, 2008
2008 Mesa Turkey Trot

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Body for Life
It's basically based on an intensity program or reaching high points. For example you'll do an exercise working your chest and you'll do reps of 12,10,8 and 6. Then you'll do another 12, followed by 12 working your chest with a different exercise. As you do this the intensity level is supposed to go from a moderate level 5 up to an intense level 10. As the weeks go by, the weights should go up because you are increasing your 'high point' when you do the two final reps of 12 each. Every other day you do weight training, alternating between upper body and lower body. Not sure if I explained it right. So, check the book out at your local library or splurge and buy a copy.
Tonight I was trying to find the proper weight level for me. I probably could have done a little more. But, it'll give me a baseline to work from.

No running tonight. Tomorrow morning is the Mesa Turkey Trot 10k that I'll be running for the third year.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Which Miles Count?
I like to keep track of my mileage, but I'm not sure how to do this. I have around 1600 miles run since I started back in 2006. 99.5% (I'm guessing) are miles on the road. Non-machine aided mileage. I know people count treadmill mileage in their weekly total and I'm ok with that. But, do you count miles on other machines? Like the elliptical or stairmaster or some of the other machines? And is their mile really a mile? I'm at a crossroads deciding how to record these miles. Let me know what you think.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Ironman Arizona
This is her turning the corner on Rio Salado Blvd and heading toward the finish line. I heard Mike Riley say over the loud speaker, "We have one more runner. She's not officially an Ironman, but we know she is."
Her story is one of thousands of great one's on this day. I watched the final 3-4 hours at the finish line and it was truly amazing. I took a bunch of pictures that you can see on my Facebook page. I cheered, gave high fives and marveled at what these total strangers did the entire time I was there. If you get a chance to see an Ironman event live, I would encourage you to do so. It's amazing.
So, like so many people do while watching these athletes. I made a vowel. Next year. I am going to be back in the stands with as many friends as I can find, cheering these athletes on to victory. It was more fun than any pro sports event.
What? You think I'm crazy enough to want to swim, bike and run for 140.6 miles?

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Arizona Ironman

What, you say. You can't do that without training. It's 2.4 miles of swimming, 112 miles of biking and 26.2 miles of running.
Sorry, I guess I got you confused. I ran the Arizona Ironman 5k. It's the charity race the day before the triathletes take the stage.
It was pretty cool. We started at the new Tempe Arts Center and ran along the Tempe Town Lake. There were about 225 runners and the weather was ideal. Maybe in the 60's. I think most of the runners were family of a triathlete that will be racing tomorrow.
I got to meet Paul from Houston. His daughter and son in law are racing tomorrow. He and I ran this morning. I told him I really wanted a sub 30 minute race. But, I've been having tendinitis issues with my left foot. The good news is my legs are well rested. The bad news is, I'm not sure how my foot will hold up. My plan was to do a 9 minute first mile, followed by a 9:30 and a 10 minute mile. That would get me under the goal of 30 minutes. I, in fact did a 9:10 first mile followed by a 9:41 second. I was feeling really good and ran the entire way, except for a water stop around 1.6 mile mark. Maybe 20 seconds worth of walking and drinking. The second mile was rolling hills (three of them - just like Boston). Just kidding, the hills were maybe 30 yards in length and were not an issue.
In mile three I watched as a man about my age was in front of me. I figured I better get ahead of him if I wanted any hope of a medal. Heck, it's just good practice to race against the closest runners to you. I tracked him down and was within 40 yards of him when we started the final portion of the race. I did mile three in 9:15 and as we turned onto Rio Salado and saw the finish line I pour on the gas. My pace for the last 1/10 of a mile was a blistering 6:57. I speed past bib # 99 and finished at the same spot the triathletes will be finishing IMAZ tomorrow. Turns out #99 wasn't in my AG, but was 2 groups older.
My previous PR was 30:16 and today I finished in 28:49 (garmin time). A new PR and under 30 minutes. You can click on the graphs below to see a map and my splits.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Fourth Picture, Fourth File

That's my first car. An early 80's Toyota Corolla Hatchback. Rust color. Even the hubcaps. It's in the parking lot of home #3, a cool apartment with green shag carpeting. I took over payments from my brother Thom, on that car. Not sure what the numbers are for. I scanned this image from a real photo.
On The Running Front
No running this week. I've been on the elliptical machine, stationary bike and I've lifted some weights. My plan was to run the Dobson Ranch 5k on Saturday morning. It's a small race and I was hoping to place in my age group. Kinda by default. Well, the race was cancelled. I guess it was too small.
My choices for running this weekend are to do the Gilbert Days 5k that is tonight. Or the Nike Cross Nationals Citizen 5k on Saturday morning.
Or I guess I could do the Arizona Ironman. Is it to late to sign up for that? Maybe that's something you should train for? Let me know which race you think I should do.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A Day at the Gym
I got on the harder one first and after 15 minutes and 1.08 miles I was really feeling it in my thighs. Then I played around on some of the weight machines. No plan, except to work my arms a bit.
For the finally, I went to the other Elliptical machine and ran for 25 minutes. Much easier, much faster and my feet never hurt a bit.

Friday, November 14, 2008
11 Miles of sore feet

But, I got my minimum of 11 miles and I ended up running about 82% of the time.

48 by 48

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Nike Air Zoom Structure Triad 11+

Just the other day I got my first notice from a driver on the highway. He had a 13.1 decal on his car. I passed him. He saw my decals and passed me up to give me the thumbs up.
Monday, November 10, 2008
The Phoenix 10k
It's like Ernie Banks says, "Let's Play Two".
I decided I was going to run the 5k as best I could. My PR of 30:25 was not a real goal, no way can I do three consecutive sub 10 minute miles. But, I wanted to get as close as I could. It's chipped timed, so I didn't worry about getting across the starting line quickly. The temps were around 55-60 and we had clear skies. No wind, although it got windy and rained later in the day. According to Garmin I had an opening split of 10:21. I was pretty happy about that. The course is a 3.1 mile loop around the state capitol around downtown streets. The asphalt felt really hard this morning. My left heal has been bothering me lately, so I held back a bit. I passed four different bands and we had people cheering all along the course. My second mile was a 10:32 pace. I was pretty happy about that. Around the 2.5 mile mark I was getting pretty tired trying to keep the pace. I had a choice, I could take a quick 1 minute walk break and finish strong or end up limping home with a 12 minute split. The walk break did me good. My third mile was done in 10:54 and my .1 was at an 8:15 pace. After the walk break I ended up passing 27 other runners. I counted to keep myself distracted, more so than out of vanity. Well, maybe a little of both. I didn't count the guy in the wheel chair. He was inspiring. It was an everyday wheelchair and he was alternating powering his wheels. Kind of like a someone in a canoe paddling on the left and then the right.
Garmin told me I finished in 33:06 for 3.14 miles. I don't have the official times from the race yet.
That gave me 10 minutes to rest before the 10k event. The bathroom lines were long. I looked for a private corner to pee, but none where to be found. I ended up waiting til after the 10k.
My plan was to do the best I could in the 10k. But, plenty of walk breaks were anticipated. This race would require two loops of the same course I had just run on. We passed the same bands, the same buildings, the same corners. At one point I was coming up to a corner and there was a man with his shopping cart and all his worldly possessions looking at me to see if he could cross the street. He was willing to wait. I was still 10 yards away from him and there weren't any runners behind me. I gave him the sign to cross and I ran just behind him. Lives cross sometimes in interesting ways.
I was about 2 miles into the 10k or 5 miles in, counting both races when I got a bit disoriented. I thought we had to go further out and we were turning around. heading back to the capitol grounds. I even asked the runner next to me if we had made a wrong turn. This has never happened to me before, but we were further along than I thought we should have been. I was OK and we continued on. This 10k had over 1000 runners. I wasn't going to race it, as much as just run it, so I started in the back. How far back? The very back. I tried to be the last runner to cross the timing mat. I wasn't even in line when the gun went off. When I crossed the line, they were ready to start taking up the mat and pulling down the balloon arch. I say this because it was a double loop, so during the race we hear police on motorcycles telling the runners to move to the right. I didn't know why, until a few seconds later the leaders of the race come running past us (like we were standing still). So the last half of the race I got to watch all the leaders run by at 6 and 7 minute paces. My splits were 10.49, 11.59, 12.08, 12.22, 13.03, 12.39, 10.40 and I had a time around 1:18:xx. 10 minutes off my PR for a 10k.
Last year I ran both races in Tempe in 1:48:15. This year I ran both races in 1:48:17. When you run both races (and yes, they give out awards for combined time), it's called the Five and Dime. I missed my PR by 2 seconds.
I did get a nice looking black baseball cap for free from a domestic violence group, but didn't see much else at the various vendor booths. The rest of the day was filled with showing homes and writing offers. A good but tiring weekend.
Friday, November 07, 2008
47 by 47
It took me awhile and while I wasn't thinking about a 47 by 47 goal. I am now thinking about 48 by 48, 48 things to do by 48 and all things 48. You'll see my plan in less than 48 hours and it'll make you smile 48 times. This will be the year of 48.
So, if you know of anything I should do 48 times or for 48 hours, minutes or seconds. Or anything else to do in the next year that is 48, let me know.
Things I won't do:
Run 48 marathons
Eat a 48 ounce steak (although tempting)
Run for 48 hours
Climb Camelback Mountain 48 times
Go to 48 Diamondback baseball games
Race in 48 races (well maybe)
Birthday Plans
It's a low key birthday. I'm sure I'll be getting some presents from family and we usually go out to eat in the evening. But, tonight I have a softball tournament and I'm still watching my weight because of Viv's Weight Loss Challenge that doesn't end until Sunday. I'm in first and would like to get first pick of the really cool prizes she's lined up. So, the dinner has been postponed until sometime next week.
Last Nites Run
It was just a short 2 miler. I ran it all, except for the very end when I walked a bit before turning my secret agent GPS unit off (Garmin). It was cold here, around 65 and I was freezing. I ended up wearing my PF Chang's Rock and Roll sweat shirt over my running shirt. It's nice to have the cooler temps. But, I'm the kind of guy that complains when it's too cold and complains when it's too hot. Luckily, I complain to myself. And occasionally on this blog.
So, remember to give me some ideas for my 48th year on this planet.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
1:07 from winning the NYC Marathon.
Of course, we didn't run NYC and we ran about 16 miles less.
Karen asked about my graphs and were I get them. SportsTracks is my preferred site to download my GPS data from Garmin. It doesn't cost anything and it gives me what I like.
1. Either a satelite or map view of where I ran.
2. My time, pace and calories burnt on the summary page.
4. My pace when I'm jogging ( between 10-13 mpm).
5. My walking pace. As you can see, today the three of us jogged about 80% of the total run.
Our run today went well. We saw 5 stray cats and 11 rescued Llamas. We didn't count the numerous walking, running and biking humans.