I planned to do my bizarre run today down near Casa Grande, AZ. As you can see by the photo above, the owners of the property did not want me.

This was as close to my run as I got. It's in the
desert. In the distance you can see a man made
hill. You can't see the target course from the ground. But, if you google earth it, you'll see that I was going to an abandoned open pit mine.

A circular one that has a road to the bottom. 1.97 miles down and the same distance back up. I believe that's rain water at the bottom. My plan was to drive to the edge and ask permission if there was someone there. If not, I planned to start running. I drove on a road to the north and there was no access to the property. Just a sign that said keep out, private cattle ranch. I drove from the east and saw the gate above. I believe there's an entrance on the southwest side and when I have enough time, I will try that way.

I still needed to get my run in for the day. I skipped yesterday because my legs felt tired. Today, I headed down to the heart of Casa Grande, AZ. Now, if you visit Arizona and only have one place to visit, do not pick CG. It's growing and might someday be a great city. Now, it's poor. Very poor. I ran through trailer parks and neighborhoods that are barely standing. Not thinking, I wore my red tech shirt. This morning I ran in a city that just busted a bunch of know gang bangers from the crips and bloods. Don't they shoot you if you're wearing the other gangs colors? Or is that just in the movies?
I passed this neat looking church. Casa Grande had a half dozen churches that I really liked. And that was just in the small area I ran in.
I passed the city hall. It's pretty big and has a nice fountain out front. The cities main park was across the street. I started my run in the parking lot of McDonalds and finished there too. 3.56 miles covered in around 42 minutes. I stopped for some traffic and a few pictures.
Don't worry about the Bizarre Run. I have another ideal up my sleeve. And when I get to run in the pit, I'll let you know.