Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Walk Across Arizona

Mile 1194, Chandler, AZ - I got in a nice slow 3 miler today. That's after putting away all the Christmas and Holiday stuff. You could call it a brick, but since I'm not a triathlete, I'll just say it's cross training.

The 3 miler went well. All the splits were below 11 minutes and I ran it all. I bought the new G2 from gatorade. Taste great and less filling. Only half the calories. I like it. Don't forget to read below. It's a great chance to get an Arizona tee.

Happy New Year!

Who wants to walk across Arizona with me? It's about 410 miles from the Mexican border, past the Grand Canyon and onto Utah. The walk or run starts on January 26th and it only cost $10 to participate. The money goes to the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension and you get a T shirt, pedometer and maybe a prize.

I need a team of 5-10 athletes. You can do any amount of mileage over a 16 week period. You can walk or run.

Now, here's the best part. You don't have to come to Arizona. You can do your miles anywhere with anyone or by yourself. And you'll get a cool "Walk Across Arizona" tee. I'm thinking we'll be the BlogWalkRun Team. So, whether you plan to walk, run or treadmill the first part of 2008, this will be a great way to do it.

Sign up by leaving a comment with contact info.


Running Schedule:

January 13th: Rock N Roll Full Marathon

January 26th: Run for the Islands 5k

February 17: Lost Dutchman Half Marathon

March 1: Ostrich Festival 5k
March 9: Valley of the Sun Half Marathon

March 29: Laughlin Half Marathon



Moon said...
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Anonymous said...

I'd love to join in.

J~Mom said...

Do we divide up the mileage or we each do the 410? I guess you divide it? I will let you know! I have to ponder if I will actually get out and walk.

Pat said...

java, I'm counting my running miles. If the marathon was part of the time period, I'd count that. it won't take any additional miles, that you haven't already planned to do.

Spark Driver said...

Good luck with your Walk across Arizona. Sounds like a good challenge.

I am retiring my blog today and would like to thank you for your support and good wishes. You was one of a few of my regular posters that came from outside Australia and that means a lot to me.

Good luck with your future.

Anonymous said...

At first I was thinking I wouldn't be able to get the miles in, but between my running and walking with the dog I know I can. It would just be a matter of adding 3 more walks with the dog each week. :D Count me in!

Jeff said...

Count me in!


Pat said...

It doesn't have to be 410 miles each. It's for the team. I figure our team will be in the thousands.

Pokey said...

Our team could walk across a few states!!!

Count me in...you have my info.

Cheryl said...

Oh boy! I was wondering where I could "virtually" walk this year as more incentive to get moving. Count me in!

Marathoner in Training said...

Pat, Count me in. Let me know when you need the $$. Read your past 2 blogs and you did a great run. You are ready for the 26.2.

My Life said...

Pat - this sounds cool! Sign me up too! What all do I have to do?

Off to catch up more on how you've been doing! See you next week!

J~Mom said...

I just saw your comment to my comment. I am in!

Joe said...

Hi Pat,

I just came across your blog when I was looking for race reports from the PF Chang RnR marathon. If you're still recruiting team members I'd love to join.
