Four of us met at Tumbleweed Park to run the Paseo Trail canal. We ran two miles north and then returned. Karen and I finished by running 2+ miles in the park as high school cross country runners watched us with envy.
I was the lone lucky guy. There was no girl talk of places to do your nails or anything like that. We ran and talked about running, kids and running again.
The shadows are after four miles. I think it's Kristina, Karen, Caroline and me from left to right.

I almost didn't make it to run this morning. On Thursday night I was playing softball with my men's team. I was a baserunner on third when Joe my teammate hit a screamer down the third base line. The yellow softball was as big as a basketball heading straight for my head. It must have been 100 mph. I dropped to the ground as fast as I could as the ball screamed over my head. I can still see that ball in my mind. I survived and our team won both games. Which puts us in second 1/2 game behind the first place team.
Marcy, has taken control of my blog. Well, not really because she would be using words that I have no clue of their meaning. But, I found she was a follower. What's a follower? Click on it in the top right of my blog. You can go to her blog or become a follower yourself. I'm not sure what it is.
Marcy, har tatt kontroll over bloggen min. Well, not really because she would be using words that I have no clue of their meaning. Vel, egentlig ikke fordi hun ville være å bruke ord som jeg har ingen anelse om deres mening. But, I found she was a follower. Men jeg fant hun var en tilhenger. What's a follower? Hva er en tilhenger? Click on it in the top right of my blog. Klikk på den på toppen til høyre i bloggen min. You can go to her blog or become a follower yourself. Du kan gå til hennes blogg eller bli en tilhenger selv. I'm not sure what it is. Jeg er ikke sikker på hva det er.
Yeah, that's Norsk and if you speak it or one of many other languages, you can now get this blog translated. see the top right again.
Wow, woulda look at how long my legs look?? You are an awesome photographer Pat!!!! I think I look like a super model!!!!
Thanks for sticking with me for some extra mileage this morning...hope you are feeling good, yes??? I am loving being back on the long run schedule again. In a few weeks, 6 miles will seem short again ;)
I'm off to go figure out how to become a Pat Follower.....
Great to see TWC back in full swing -- if you could only get Java off of that bike!
You are lucky Marcy is only taking over your blog...she took over my life a long time ago.
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