Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My Goals

I've always liked playing sports. I played football, basketball, baseball and wrestled when I was young at various levels. In college I played football for the first two years but continued to play intermural sports. Now, as an older adult I want to stay active. A few years back I got involved in softball, which I love to play. My son has gotten me involved in archery which is competitive, but not very cardio. You only sweat if it's a hot day.

Now, I am running. Maybe you'd say it's jogging.

My goal is to always enjoy my time jogging. I don't need to train so hard that it is not fun. I'll push myself a bit, because I enjoy that. But, I won't run until it hurts. I don't have any problems running and stopping and running some more.

I would like to increase my distances. Maybe run a 10k or a half marathon. Maybe a full marathon some day. But, I'd rather run a half marathon and enjoy it than run a full one when the only thing I can feel good about is finishing.

Of course, I would like to be in better shape from this running. I need to lose weight. I need to feel confident that I am not killing myself from a sedentary life.

Today, my left calf is bothering me. I don't believe I am hurt, just a bit sore from running lately. I want to run today, but I will take the day off. Another goal is to always want to run.

Other goals to follow, Pat

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