Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Bad Weather, Really Bad Weather

It's February folks and 83 degrees. In my pre running days I would have thought it was the perfect day. Or if it was August, I would gladly take anything with two digits only. But, it's February folks.
I was out showing homes in Gilbert, so I took my running gear for a run at Discovery Park. It's almost a mile around the perimeter and it has lots of paths in the middle. Like a lot of parks in Arizona it is also a water retention area, so it's down in a valley. So, it has hills. And like a lot of parks in Arizona, it has hardly any shade.

I got 3.8 miles done. About 85% running, but it felt like I was walking the whole time. My legs still feel less than specatacular.

They must run cross country races here. These are the hoodoos and you could see that many a runner has run them. There were about four hills and they were about 4-5 feet high. Think roller coaster.
Championship tee shirt

Did you know that they make championship tees for both teams prior to the Super Bowl? Then they ship out both sets to stores. The stores sell the shirts with the winning team on it. Do you know what they do with the shirts that have the wrong team winning?
This year all the shirts that say Super Bowl Champion Cardinals get shipped to a third world country and are given out to the poor. So, down in El Salvador the Cardinals are the Super Bowl Champs.*
*I heard this on sports radio, so it could be totally false. I, always thought they were destroyed.


Unknown said...

Yes, it's true. They ship the losing team's gear to third-world countries rather than destroying them. That means that somewhere people think the Buffalo Bills are the greatest football team ever.

The Boring Runner said...

Yeah, I've heard that about the shirts too.

Hoodoos? I've never heard that term before.

TNTcoach Ken said...

Tired legs??? Maybe it's those rest days? The strange thing about the shirts is most of the player's sizes are XXXL and they send those for kids to wear.

J~Mom said...

I am glad they don't destroy them! Interesting tidbit!

Nat said...

God, 83 is an odd sort of temp eh? It was -30 this morning...

What's that green stuff? ;)

RooBabs said...

You should clarify that it's Bad Running Weather, but not bad weather. That sounds like the perfect daytime high to me (as long as I can get up and start running before the sun is up). But I'm with you, running in that kind of heat with no shade is definitely rough. But at least you can be consoled that it's a "dry heat", ha ha. At least, that's what they always say about Utah.

Oh, and I've heard that about the shirts, too, but I had never though about the size issue. At least they're not filling landfills somewhere.