Saturday, August 12, 2006

3 miler

I now have a course that is 1 mile long. I ran it 3 times tonight. Actually, it was probably 1 mile running, 2 miles of walking. It took me 45 minutes.

I'd like to get it down to 30 minutes, which would mean that I am running most of it. In the last mile I was doing a good job of telling myself that I would run to the next bush. When I got to it I would pick another bush 10 yards further. It seemed to help me keep going.

I seem to have some trouble concentrating on a topic when I run. I tried to go over the events of the day while I was running, but I just couldn't concentrate for more than a few moments. I think if I can train myself to think of something other than running, I will be able to run much further.


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