Today's Run at the Gilbert Riparian Preserve
Yearly Mileage
This is my yearly mileage from 2006 started in June. This year my mileage was down due to injury and sluggishness after the marathon. Which means I took a longer time than was necessary to get back to running after letting my legs heal from the marathon. If that makes sense.
Book #8 - Where the Game Matters Most by William Gildea. Great book about Indiana high school basketball. My brother in law, Doug, who lives in Indianapolis gave me this book for my birthday. I started reading it on New Years Eve and finished on the 2nd. It's a great read for anyone that loves sports. It chronicles the last year that Indiana had a 'no class' system for the high school basketball tournament. That means all schools, regardless of size were in the same year in tournament.
Book #6 - Profiles In Courage by John F. Kennedy. I think I forgot to mention I finished this book. It's about Senators that have shown courage. JFK could only find a few. Just kidding. If you like history and politics its a good read. I like history and it still took me a while to finish. Amy bought it for me at a garage sale. It has the name and address of the original owner in it. I googled the info and it's a home near the Teterboro Airport in New Jersey, just west of Manhattan. I'm sure, FJ Dunne doesn't live there anymore.
500 Posts - On Christmas day I posted for the 500th time. Have you read every one of them?
I think 8 days in a row constitutes a streak. Haven't you done this before? What do the different colors on the chart represent?
I can honestly say YES, I have read all 500+ posts!
Jeff, I did a streak of exercising everyday. It lasted over a month. This is the first time it's been a running streak. The chart shows green for easy runs, blue for LSD's and red for races. The light blue is for tempo runs.
reading my entire blog is way more impressive than 48 books in one year. Thanks.
Pat, I've read all five of your post and use 2009 to get your mileage back.
Nice year, I say.
The preserve looks like a beautiful place to run.
Happy 2009.
Hey, I always say it isn't about the distance so much as the quality of your runs. Besides, it looks like you did nearly / over 100 miles of racing in 07 and 08!? Amazing.
Lets get together and increase that milage for 2009. As of now, you have more milage in than I do for 2009, I need to start catching up to you.
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